Supporting a Backend Cache Manager

This section is intended for those looking to implement a custom backend cache manager, or understand how the CacheManager trait works.

The CacheManager trait

The CacheManager trait is the main trait that needs to be implemented to support a new backend cache manager. It has three methods that it requires:

  • get: retrieve a cached response given the provided cache key
  • put: store a response and related policy object in the cache associated with the provided cache key
  • delete: remove a cached response from the cache associated with the provided cache key

Because the methods are asynchronous, they currently require async_trait to be derived. This may change in the future.

The get method

The get method is used to retrieve a cached response given the provided cache key. It returns an Result<Option<(HttpResponse, CachePolicy)>, BoxError> where HttpResponse is the cached response and CachePolicy is the associated cache policy object that provides us helpful metadata. If the cache key does not exist in the cache, Ok(None) is returned.

The put method

The put method is used to store a response and related policy object in the cache associated with the provided cache key. It returns an Result<HttpResponse, BoxError> where HttpResponse is the passed response.

The delete method

The delete method is used to remove a cached response from the cache associated with the provided cache key. It returns an Result<(), BoxError>.

How to implement a custom backend cache manager

This guide will use the cacache backend cache manager as an example. The full source can be found here. There are several ways to accomplish this, so feel free to experiment!

Part One: The base structs

The first step is to create a struct that will hold the cache manager's configuration or potentially the cache itself. This struct will implement the CacheManager trait. In this case, we'll call it CACacheManager and it will have a field to store the path for the cache directory.

fn main() {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CACacheManager {
    /// Directory where the cache will be stored.
    pub path: PathBuf,

Next we will create a struct to store the response and accompanying policy object. This struct will be used to store the response and policy object in the cache. We'll call it Store. This isn't strictly necessary, but I find this easier to work with.

fn main() {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Store {
    response: HttpResponse,
    policy: CachePolicy,

This struct will also derive serde Deserialize and Serialize to ease the serialization and deserialization with bincode.

Part Two: Implementing the CacheManager trait

Now that we have our base structs, we can implement the CacheManager trait for our CACacheManager struct. We'll start with the get method, but first we must make sure we derive async_trait.

fn main() {
impl CacheManager for CACacheManager {

The get method accepts a &str as the cache key and returns an Result<Option<(HttpResponse, CachePolicy)>, BoxError>. We will read function from cacache to lookup the cache key in the cache directory. If the cache key does not exist, we'll return Ok(None). The object we will be serializing and deserializing is our Store struct.

fn main() {
async fn get(
    cache_key: &str,
) -> Result<Option<(HttpResponse, CachePolicy)>> {
    let store: Store = match cacache::read(&self.path, cache_key).await {
        Ok(d) => bincode::deserialize(&d)?,
        Err(_e) => {
            return Ok(None);
    Ok(Some((store.response, store.policy)))

Next we'll implement the put method. This method accepts a String as the cache key, a HttpResponse as the response, and a CachePolicy as the policy object. It returns an Result<HttpResponse, BoxError>. We will clone the response during our construction of the Store struct, then serialize the Store struct using serialize and write it to the cache directory using write from cacache.

fn main() {
async fn put(
    cache_key: String,
    response: HttpResponse,
    policy: CachePolicy,
) -> Result<HttpResponse> {
    let data = Store { response: response.clone(), policy };
    let bytes = bincode::serialize(&data)?;
    cacache::write(&self.path, cache_key, bytes).await?;

Finally we'll implement the delete method. This method accepts a &str as the cache key and returns an Result<(), BoxError>. We will use remove from cacache to remove the object from the cache directory.

fn main() {
async fn delete(&self, cache_key: &str) -> Result<()> {
    Ok(cacache::remove(&self.path, cache_key).await?)

Our CACacheManager struct now meets the requirements of the CacheManager trait and is ready for use!